Through their overseas subsidiaries, they have been borrowing at the exceptionally low rates engineered by central bankers in the developed world to invest in domestic assets. 新兴市场企业一直在通过其海外分支机构,以发达国家央行操纵下形成的超低利率借入资金,然后投资于国内资产。
This is because domestic pension funds want assets denominated in their own currencies. 这是因为这些国家的养老基金希望获得以本币计价的资产。
The bank could, for example, purchase foreign, rather than domestic, assets. 例如,英国央行可以买入国外而不是国内的资产。
Legal Review on Merger and Acquisition of Domestic Enterprises Assets by Foreign Investors in the Form of Joint Venture; 分析了中外合资经营企业投入资本存在的投资结构不合理。
Overall, foreign banks saw their lending fall in the first half of 2009 – a year in which domestic banks increased assets by a quarter. 整体而言,外资银行在华放贷额2009年上半年有所下降,而本土银行的资产在2009年增加了四分之一。
As John Maynard Keynes explained, unless debtor countries can export more, they must pay either by borrowing or by selling off domestic assets. 正如约翰梅纳德凯恩斯(johnmaynardkeynes)解释的那样,除非债务国能扩大出口,否则它们必然要么借钱还债,要么廉价出售本国资产。
A gradual move, over months or years, could tempt large inflows of speculative "hot money" into China, inflating domestic assets prices including stocks and property. 如果升值是在数月或数年里逐步进行的,那可能会吸引大量投机性“热钱”流入中国,推高国内资产价格,包括股价和房价。
According to terms of the deal, the government will stand behind some$ 306bn in Citi's domestic assets, a basket that includes residential mortgages, commercial real estate, leveraged loans and auction-rate securities. 根据协议条款,美国政府将对花旗约3060亿美元的国内资产提供支持,包括住宅抵押贷款、商业房地产、杠杆贷款和拍卖利率证券。
"Canada invites Chinese investment, whereas there is political risk in the US," said Laban Yu, analyst at Jefferies in Hong Kong. "This deal is confirmation that domestic assets are shot, so anything that is for sale they will buy." “加拿大邀请中国投资,而在美国则存在政治风险,”投行杰富瑞(jefferies)驻香港分析师labanyu表示,“这笔交易证实,国内资产不足,因此只要有出售的资产,它们就会收购。”
The value of overseas assets owned by residents of Britain and of France is almost the same, in total, as the value of domestic assets held by overseas residents. 英国和法国居民所拥有的海外资产价值,总体上与境外居民持有的两国国内资产的价值几乎相当。
For the first time the head of ONGC said the group planned to focus more on developing its ailing domestic assets than seeking opportunities overseas. 这也是ongc掌门人第一次表示,该集团计划将更多的注意力放在开发面临困难的国内资产上,而不是在海外寻求机会。
Chinese domestic mutual fund assets under management jumped by 83 per cent from$ 60bn at the beginning of last year to$ 110bn at the end of December, according to Z-Ben Advisors. Z-BenAdvisors的数据显示,截至12月底,中国内地共同基金管理的资产规模增长了83%,从去年初的600亿美元增至1100亿美元。
Research on the Effect of Domestic Fixed Assets Investment to Economy Growth 中国固定资产投资对经济增长的影响效果研究
At the same time, a far greater range of domestic assets is increasingly being made available for purchase by fund managers for both their global and specialist portfolios. 与此同时,基金管理公司在配置全球和专业投资组合时,可供其选购的中国国内资产类别要比以前多得多。
The system was established to allow investors outside China to invest any offshore renminbi into domestic Chinese assets. 中国建立这一机制旨在允许境外投资者把离岸人民币资金投资于中国内地资产。
Foreign banks 'aggregate share of domestic banking assets, probably less than 2 per cent last year, continues to fall. 外资银行在中国银行业资产中所占份额继续下滑,去年可能已不到2%。
A country's current account position reflects the gap between exports and imports, the difference between income earned on foreign assets and that paid to the foreign owners of domestic assets and the balance of cross-border transfers of money such as remittances. 一个国家的经常账户状况,反映了该国出口和进口之间的差额、从海外资产获得的收入与支付给国内资产的外国所有者的款项之间的差额,以及资金跨境转移(如汇款)的余额。
But in the process, they assume a currency mismatch: foreign currency debt against domestic currency assets. 但在此过程中,他们承担了货币错配的风险:外币债务搭配本币资产。
But unchecked inflation would also erode the domestic value of foreign assets and in a more damaging way. 但是不确定的通货膨胀率将以更糟糕的方式侵蚀外过资产的国内价值。
Sino-foreign firms ac-counted for almost 40 per cent of the$ 110bn in domestic mutual fund assets at the end of 2006. 2006年底,中外合资公司在1100亿美元国内共同基金资产中所占比例接近40%。
The text describes present condition of domestic and international assets valuation standards and the theoretical meaning of study on establishment related theories of standards in the preface part, and present the problem that the study on establishment related theories of standards. 引言部分通过对资产评估准则的国内外研究现状的回顾和研究准则制定理论的意义的阐述,提出研究资产评估准则制定的相关问题。
Because of the competitive bidding price for domestic assets made by MNCs, the price of domestic assets is usually raised to such an extent as higher or much higher than its interior value. 由于各个跨国企业对国内资产的竞争性竞价,国内资产的价格往往会提升到高于或大大高于其内在价值的高价。
Comparative Analysis for Domestic and Foreign Assets Valuation 中外资产评估的比较分析
This paper provides a mathematic model to analyze the macroscopic factors of how equity control s affect accumulation of domestic assets and draws a conclusion that the execution of the equity control could lead to domestic assets accumulation, and increase national welfare. 通过建立数学模型对东道国国内资本积累和整体福利的宏观因素进行分析,得出政府对FDI实施当地股权要求会增加国内资本积累从而增加整个经济体的福利的结论。
However, according to domestic whole assets assessment market, its development is imperfect, and its operation is substandard. 然而,从国内整个资产评估市场来看其发育仍很不健全、有待进一步完善和规范。
Estimation results show that the net domestic assets response significantly to the changes in net foreign assets, while the domestic credit and interest rates have no obvious responses to the changes in net foreign assets. 估计结果表明,净国内资产对净国外资产变动反应明显,而国内信贷和利率水平对净国外资产变动没有明显反应。
In the analysis, the domestic financial assets, investors need to consider the impact of the inflation of its revenue. 在分析中,对于国内的金融资产,投资者需要考虑通货膨胀对其收益的冲击;而对于海外的产业资产,投资者则需要考虑汇率对其财富的影响。
First, curve regression analysis demonstrates the assumption of imperfect substitutability between domestic and foreign assets. Then, co-integration analysis on the portfolio balance channel is conducted. 资产组合平衡渠道的有效性研究部分,首先通过回归分析,证明国内外资产不完全替代假设;其次对资产组合平衡渠道进行协整分析。